One solution for all your art needs
About Art House
Luxury Made Affordable.
Art House is the result of the collaborative efforts of four dedicated artists with a vision to change the way young art is perceived. Having themselves struggled to find an exhibiting platform for their work on the completion of their education, they decided to create a space where any upcoming artist would be free to display his or her talent.

Launched at the ICE exhibition in 2002 after almost 19 years back, we have curated lot of show in Bengaluru and promoted younger artists. We also help in providing employment to upcoming artists by providing them with opportunities in commissioned work.
With the combined aim of helping young artists as well as taking art out of the intimidating gallery space and therefore closer to the general public, we began the Kala Jathrae [art carnival] and the Habba [festival].
With several successes behind them, their present objective is to work towards the creation of an artist’s village in Karnataka, where art and craft can thrive without the constraints of space and time.
Kala Jathrae
The Kala Jathrae is an event wherein artists from all fields are invited to participate in a large scale carnival that is meant so be a common arena for the young and old, the experienced and upcoming, the painter and the printmaker.
It was in January 2003 that the idea for this wonderful event came to fruit. The response was overwhelming, and works of art came in from more than 150 artists all over India, most of them wonderfully talented and aspiring to be established.
The first jathrae was a huge success, with artists being able to display and sell their works, and art lovers and connoisseurs alike enjoying the ambience of the ‘bazaar’ while interacting with the creators of the art. In the informal setting, the bridge between the discerning collector and the common man is minimised, and the artist collects a larger audience.
Art House holds the Jathrae once every year between the months of February and May. Paintings, prints, sculpture and even installation art is displayed at this fortnight long fest.

Habba :
The ‘Habba- a Festival of Art’ is in many ways similar to the Kala Jathrae but on a much larger scale and having in addition to the art exhibits several interactive programs like an artists camp, slide presentations and seminars on art, demonstrations of artistic styles as well as a competition for children.
This festival began in August of the same year that the Jathrae started, 2003. Considering that it required a large amount of organisation and coordination, Art house decided to keep it as a Triennial to be held between the months of august and October once every three years.